April 8, 2015

Pakistan Is In No Mood To Open YouTube

By Gulshan Naz: Islamabad-The chairman of Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA)Ismail Shah has said that ban on YouTube cannot be terminated unless Supreme Court changes its order in this regard.
According to the details, he said that until the Parliament pass the draft of security bill that allows PTA to be empowered to be able to end the ban itself.
While talking to a televise media he told, the case in ongoing in this respect. Judges will decide that either PTA official should put ban on internet website according to the government order or a proper law should be made in this respect.
He went on telling that, PTA can only ban, as per the orders of Supreme Court, unethical stuff if the  citizen complaints about it.
Three years ago, Supreme Court had ordered PTA to ban that blasphemous video that has led to protests in various cities of Pakistan.
The censorship on YouTube will continue for unidentified period.

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