June 5, 2016

Five Lies That Every Traveler Tells

Travelling is not a piece of cake. Sure it provides one of the most exotic experiences, it is hard to ignore that travel has its own goods and bads. You are not the only one to double think the travel stories shared by your friends and families. Almost every traveler lies about some aspects of their travel. However, here’s the good news!  Jovago Pakistan  has highlighted all those lies that almost every traveler tells. So next time, whenever you hear these lines, make sure that you don’t buy it completely! 

1. It costed me almost nothing!
Sure, the recent  online booking websites  have reduced the costs of travel to a great extent; still, no travel is ever cost free. Travel requires spending, in fact spending quite a lot most of the times! The old saying that nothing in the world comes free of cost applies as much here as in any other context.

2. I can keep travelling alone forever!
Humanbeings are social creatures. The need of belonging and togetherness doesn’t erode away even when you are miles away exploring the world on your own. It’s ok to plan a lonely travel once in awhile to feed yourself with some ‘me time’, but let’s not deny that there comes a time when we start missing our loved ones.

3. I always ate their local food and I absolutely loved it!
One of the biggest adjustments that one needs to make when  travelling to another country  is to accept their local food. The home food is hard to forget no matter where you go and how much you are enjoying your travel.

4.Ican keep travelling forever and ever!
Once in awhile, one feels the urge to travel to refresh themselves from their daily hustles and bustles of life. However, the fact that even travelling can be exhausting is simply undeniable! It feels good to be on the go for a while, but let’s accept that no one wants to keep moving forever!

5. I didn’t even get time to check my Facebook during travel!
No travel is complete without the Facebook check nowadays i! So if any of your friends didn’t reply to your Facebook message during their travel, you now know that you can buy any other excuse except for this one!

Share with us your experiences if you have ever been lied by your travelling friends in the comment segment below!


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