April 5, 2015

Open Source Windows?…. “It’s definitely possible

we all know Microsoft as “Microsoft” because of its pioneering work in operating system arena which gave rise to the Windows. A very large chunk of devices all around the world run on Windows. In recent times, the company is being noticed and appreciated for its open source endorsement. Could this result in an open source Windows? According to a top Microsoft engineer, this impossible open source Windows could “definitely” become possible in future and we can see an open source Windows.
It’s a well-known fact that there are two types of operating systems: open source and closed source. Windows and OS X are the closed source operating systems because their code isn’t available to public to change and modify it. On the other hand, open source systems like Linux allow the users and coders to retouch it and create unique builds. An open source Windows will completely change the present OS market.
Microsoft engineer Mark Russinovich helped to create Windows and holds the title Microsoft Technical Fellow. He was speaking at ChefConf which is an open-source focused conference. Chef is an open source tool helping people to operate and set up the systems needed to run a website or some app.
Wired writes that at the conference, Russinovich asked the audience that how many of them use Windows 10 on their systems. Surprisingly, out of the hundreds, just one guy raised his hand and rest of them were Linux dependent. This wasn’t unexpected for Russinovich and he said, “That’s the reality we live in today.”
Over the years, Microsoft has made billions of dollars by keeping the Windows closed source. As a positive change, since Satya Nadella has taken over as the Microsoft chief, the birth of a new Microsoft is on its way. In December, Microsoft announced that .NET Core stack will be running cross platform along with the support for open source for Docker containers on Windows Server. Also, Microsoft is committed to provide free one year upgrade to the existing Window 7, 8 and 8.1 users.
Talking about the open source Windows, he added:
“Every conversation you can imagine about what should we do with our software—open versus not-open versus services—has happened.”
An open source Windows isn’t coming very soon as Windows is still one of the major revenue sources for Microsoft. But, this indication and opening up of Microsoft to embrace more open source will surely be welcomed.
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