May 5, 2015

Top Tips about Business Etiquette: Dr. Mark Batey

Top Tips about Business Etiquette: Dr. Mark Batey

If you’re in a position to get out of the office, then try to work from places that make you feel most comfortable. Anytime, anywhere working allows teams the freedom to hold meetings outside the office in stimulating environments, as well as enabling people to work at times to suit them.

Tackle smaller, simpler tasks on your commute, clearing the way for you to attack the big jobs when you reach the office.

Spend 20 minutes a day exploring new websites or content to liberate your thinking and help inspire new ideas. This can be a great habit to adopt on your daily commute.

Being seen as “active” on messaging apps can put more pressure on you to respond, so try to separate personal and work life as far as you can.

Use a note taking app on your mobile to capture your brilliant ideas whenever, wherever they strike.

If you’re dealing with an angry person or sensitive issue, try to handle this in person or at least on the phone.

When an urgent mail or message comes through, don’t let it distract you if you’re under-deadline or in a meeting.  If you must, acknowledge receipt, and say you’ll back in touch shortly.

Don’t get sucked into email before bed. Your responses will be better thought-out in the morning.


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