December 31, 2015

New Years Around the World

New York City, New York
Times Square’s iconic 109-year-old tradition of watching the iconic ball drop continues to attract millions of people, whether it is in person or through the television. The ball weighs close to 12,000 pounds and is covered thousands of Waterford crystals, attracting lines of people from 10am onwards. 
2. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Réveillon, is one of the world’s largest New Year’s celebrations. Millions of locals and tourists dress in white and fill the  city’s beaches , throwing flowers into the waves at midnight for the African sea goddess Yemanjá. After this ceremony, the night is packed with music and dancing.
3. London, England
From the Thames Waterfront to the London Eye, London is buzzing with eager Londoners waiting for the  city to be painted  with sparks and colors. At midnight, the tower Big Ben chimes to the New Year.
4. Sydney, Australia
The iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge is known for the world’s most spectacular fireworks productions watched at the waterfront.

5. Madrid, Spain
This New Year celebration begins by swallowing 12 grapes—one for each stroke of the clock at midnight. Finishing them on time is considered to be a sign of good luck in the upcoming year.

And of course, our beautiful  Pakistan   ! Where fireworks start before midnight and keep going all night long. We can always trust Pakistani’s to celebrate all occasions!

اِدارہ اُردو اَدب

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