December 17, 2015

7 Tips for Smart Packing

01. Pack a versatile wardrobe that is appropriate for the country you’re visiting, and pieces that you can wear multiple times

2.Plan ahead so you know what activities you will be engaging in, which can help you create a list for everything you will need

3.Roll your clothes to  maximize space in your suitcase . This method helps you fit more outfits and accessories into a smaller area

4.Lock your suitcase to secure your luggage until you reach your  destination . This is crucial since suitcases can get lost or stolen, and losing your belongings in a new country is not ideal

5.Protect valuables that can easily break such as glass fragrance bottles by slipping them into socks before packing them

6.When packing your shoes, keep the dirty soles away from your clean clothes by packing them in shower caps

7.Clothes that tend to wrinkle easily should be first placed inside a dry cleaning bag. The plastic helps to prevent them from creasing 
Follow these simple steps and have a  safe journey !

اِدارہ اُردو اَدب

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